
Our partner in the Federal Republic of Nigeria

We are glad to inform you that Сrispersoft Company has entered into a partnership agreement with Mr. Hunye Semako Henry (CEO Evolution Tech Universal). An innovative thinker from Lagos state, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Africa.


Mr. Hunye Semako Henry sits on the management board of several major companies, some of which are:

Mr. Henry has a track record of leading organizations and revamping their image as well as performance. During his time at Crispersoft, he succeeded in using his natural leadership and marketing skills and also channelling his creative thought process to generate innovative strategies that sufficiently improved project performance, harnessing the talent of different individuals on the team to improve turnaround time.

Owing to his excellent handling of various projects, he was promoted from Sales officer to head of sales marketing and subsequently to the Chief Product Officer at Crispersoft, where he has been responsible for overseeing various projects within the company. He also handled negotiations in major contracts, taking into account the company performance and the capabilities of employees and resources, driving value and growth. Mr. Hunye Semako Henry will be able to apply his experiences to handle the different scenarios facing the growth of Technological companies in Africa.

Due to Mr. Hunye Semako Henry’s track record, experience, and skills, Crispersoft Company and Evolution Tech Universal have entered into a partnership agreement. By the terms of this Agreement, Crispersoft Company has been able to open its representative office in Africa.

Contacts in the Federal Republic of Nigeria

+234 701 329 6400

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