
Cryptocurrency Exchange


How does the cryptocurrency exchange developed by our company function?

Garantex cryptocurrency exchange is one of the examples of the professional approach of Crispersoft’s specialists in solving problems in the field of creating crypto-trading systems. Our expert developers have found a creative way to solve many issues with one tool that makes it easy for users to exchange their cryptocurrencies.

The number of startups in the crypto business is growing today, even despite critical market fluctuations. The cryptocurrency industry is profitable for those who are deeply versed in this field and turn to experts to create the necessary base.

Prerequisites for the creation of the Garantex cryptocurrency exchange

In the case of Garantex, customer requirements determined the need to create the most secure platform on which users could make a profitable exchange of cryptocurrencies, in particular, BTC and USDT, for rubles. The terms of reference involved several integration options. The withdrawal of funds was to be carried out on bank cards and cash accounts in all major cities of Russia.

Implementation of the functionality of the cryptocurrency exchange

Crispersoft software development company has successfully implemented a functionality that allows the client to enter into automated transactions with full control over their operations.

As a result, a unique exchange appeared with the services of traders with replenishment and withdrawal of cash without a commission, and miners began to take advantage of the highest purchase rate. Transactions are carried out through a single exchange system BTC / USDT – RUB with automatic conversion. For all transactions of invited customers, the Garantex cryptocurrency exchange pays a welcome bonus, which can be withdrawn in any standard way.

Technical features of cryptocurrency exchange development

Of course, the users, by and large, are interested in the final result: a convenient interface and the possibility of active participation in the trading process. For those who are interested in the intricacies of the kernel creation process related to coding, it should be noted that the following tools for developing web applications were used in the project: Angular 5, Ruby-on-rails.

Creating the most crack-resistant applications is one of Crispersoft’s top priorities, so a crucial point in creating a cryptocurrency exchange is the high level of protection developed by leading security experts. We combine high-level expertise with the use of the latest technologies to creatively develop the best tools for use on a large scale.

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